What about lawn care and landscaping operations during Covid-19?  Good question.

Here’s a press release from the City of London:

Lawn care and grass maintenance during COVID-19

In response to questions about lawn care, landscaping and lawn maintenance businesses as essential services, the City is providing the following information.

Landscaping and lawn care businesses that are providing services strictly for safety, security or sanitation purposes will be allowed. These services include lawn cutting, dethatching, clearing yard and garden debris, and aeration, This is to ensure that properties remain safe, property standards are met and that grass is maintained to help prevent ticks and mosquitoes in tall grass and standing water. Landscaping projects that are to beautify or for aesthetics only will not permitted.

Lawn care and landscaping businesses with questions about the Provincial list of essential businesses and services can continue to call the Province’s ‘Stop the Spread’ Business Information Line at 1-888-444-3659.

Landscaping businesses and individual operations should continue to follow all of the health precautions from the Middlesex-London Public Health Unit including:

• Stay six feet away from each other (physical distancing)
• Avoid all non-essential gatherings of any size
• Stay home from work and other activities if you are sick
• Self-isolate if you have travelled outside of Canada
• Wash your hands with soap and water frequently (for at least 20 seconds)
• Cover coughs and sneezes with your sleeve or cough and sleeve into your elbow
• Clean and disinfect high touch areas frequently
This information is subject to change based on further COVID-19 developments. For information about impacts of COVID-19 on City programs and services, please continue to visit london.ca/covid-19.

Filed under: City of London, landscaping, lawn-care, lawn-cutting