If you were 23 times more likely to win the lottery by spending 5 seconds rubbing a magic lamp, those are the kinds of odds you might like to play with.

But what if we told you that research PROVES that people who text and drive are 23 times more likely to be involved in a crash or near-crash event compared with non-distracted drivers.

It takes just a second to lose concentration and let a hazard on the road go unnoticed.

It takes an average of 5 seconds to send a text message.

#PutDownThePhone, #DropItAndDrive and spread the message. But not whilst driving.

JACKfm and Subaru of London are committed to the fight against distracted driving. If you have a story to tell or a something to share, please email amanda@jack1023.com

Filed under: #DropItAndDrive, Don't text and drive