Have you mastered the art of texting and driving?

It’s nothing to brag about.

77% of young adults are confident that they can safely text whilst driving, and 55% claim it is “easy to text and drive”.

It’s not just a problem that affects young drivers, however. Studies show that it could be a learned habit.

Around half of young drivers have seen their parents drive whilst talking or texting on a cell phone, and 48% of 12-to-17 year-olds have been in a car while the driver was texting.

This video highlights just one of many dangers of cell phone use whilst driving.

Rough translation of text from the video: “Think you can predict danger when you use your cell phone whilst driving?” “Think Again”.

JACKfm and Subaru of London are committed to the fight against distracted driving. If you have a story to tell or a something to share, please email amanda@jack1023.com


Stats from http://www.textinganddrivingsafety.com/texting-and-driving-stats.

Filed under: #DropItAndDrive, Don't text and drive